Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

Benefits of honey lemon mask

     Mix one tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Stir until the pasta is sticky and evenly mixed.
     Do not forget to wipe your face with warm water. The goal is to clean the face and open pores so that blackheads will be more easily lifted. Wipe with a warm towel that has been squeezed from getting too wet.
     Apply a honey mask and the baking soda on the area desired. Polar regions T, cheek under eye bags, under the lip which often contain blackheads. Allow up to 30-40 minutes.
     After that, wash your face with a warm towel rather wet to remove the mask. Repeat wiping face mask to ensure all clean.
     Rinse with cold water to summarize pore usual. Should be done at night so you can sleep and take rest skin.

Done, you can try a cheap way to this beautiful home. Get clean skin, sparkling and free of blackheads with the tips above. Good luck.

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